Edited on Mon Feb-16-09 04:56 PM by TheBigotBasher
Update: PROOF! Something to Acknowledge about the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
UPDATE: In Patty Murray’s wonderful statement below the fold on the law, she links directly to the Thomas.loc list of sponsors. There were 54 senate co-sponsors! More than the number 51 we’d heard. And, even among the 54 co-sponsors, most of who necessarily were men since there are only 18 women in the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama is NOT one of them.
The act that they link to is the 2009 Act. President Barack Obama was already President Elect when 54 Senators signed that bill. President Obama was a signatory to the 2007 Act, that their new Republican heroes would not allow to pass. COSPONSORS(45), ALPHABETICAL : (Sort: by date)
Sen Akaka, Daniel K. - 2/7/2008 Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. - 7/23/2007 Sen Bingaman, Jeff - 8/3/2007 Sen Boxer, Barbara - 7/20/2007 Sen Brown, Sherrod - 7/30/2007 Sen Byrd, Robert C. - 4/22/2008 Sen Cantwell, Maria - 10/1/2007 Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. - 9/12/2007 Sen Carper, Thomas R. - 9/18/2007 Sen Casey, Robert P., Jr. - 9/18/2007 Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham - 7/20/2007 Sen Dodd, Christopher J. - 7/20/2007 Sen Dorgan, Byron L. - 3/6/2008 Sen Durbin, Richard - 7/20/2007 Sen Feingold, Russell D. - 7/30/2007 Sen Feinstein, Dianne - 9/15/2008 Sen Harkin, Tom - 7/20/2007 Sen Inouye, Daniel K. - 4/22/2008 Sen Johnson, Tim - 10/18/2007 Sen Kerry, John F. - 7/23/2007 Sen Klobuchar, Amy - 10/25/2007 Sen Kohl, Herb - 4/2/2008 Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. - 11/1/2007 Sen Leahy, Patrick J. - 7/20/2007 Sen Levin, Carl - 9/4/2007 Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. - 12/18/2007 Sen McCaskill, Claire - 7/20/2007 Sen Menendez, Robert - 10/25/2007 Sen Mikulski, Barbara A. - 7/20/2007 Sen Murray, Patty - 7/20/2007 Sen Nelson, Bill - 4/10/2008 Sen Obama, Barack - 7/20/2007 Sen Reed, Jack - 7/23/2007 Sen Reid, Harry - 4/14/2008 Sen Rockefeller, John D., IV - 3/6/2008 Sen Salazar, Ken - 4/2/2008 Sen Sanders, Bernard - 10/22/2007 Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 7/23/2007 Sen Snowe, Olympia J. - 7/20/2007 Sen Specter, Arlen - 7/20/2007 Sen Stabenow, Debbie - 7/20/2007 Sen Tester, Jon - 4/2/2008 Sen Webb, Jim - 2/5/2008 Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon - 7/20/2007 Sen Wyden, Ron - 2/11/2008 The Bill the then Senator Obama signed, which would not pass because there was a Republican President
If only they had a brain
(updated to include the original co sponsors)