Marie-Hélène Ottawa
February 19, 2009 - 10:03 AM
Hi everyone! To me Mr. Obama is the face of reality, of hope, of audacity. He is to my eyes, not only the USA president but the universal President. His simplicity mingled with is ingenuosity has inspired & continues to inspire. He is a person that profoundly & sincerely wants to make a difference. Why not embrace his humanistic & hearfelt philosophy? Together...many heart...we will be able to overcome many hardships. Kindness, compassion, will help us bring out the best in people, if we believe that we have the utmost power to do so!.Never have I felt so energized by politics but most of all, by a man that is a source of inspiration to mankind! Let the cynicism behind to let the positve emerge & flow in our veins! Hand in hand from Me to We, our vast land will step by step begin a peaceful journey! Thank you! All the best to all of you! A victory is a victory for all!!! all the hotel rooms are booked up so people can welcome President Obama to Canada)