"In her several roles in state government, she has fought the insurance industry, protected state health programs, and boosted Medicaid pay to physicians..."
“She’s somebody who understands the dynamics of health care very well,” said Tom Bell, president and CEO of the Kansas Hospital Association. “She understands how the system works and has a very good grasp of the moving parts...
“I view the potential of her being secretary of Health and Human Services as a positive for Kansas and the nation,” said Kansas state Sen. Jim Barnett, a Republican who heads several health committees in the legislature and ran unsuccessfully against Sebelius for governor in 2006. Barnett said that Sebelius has been good at protecting services for the vulnerable, but also focusing on efficiency and cost control. “Our approach in Kansas has been to maintain those services and look in other areas for reductions and protect the most needy,” he said...
There is praise in Kansas for her bipartisan approach, a theme Obama has emphasized.
http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docid=news-000003057297It looks like she has worked with Republicans and insurance companies but also taken them on, and she has managed to protect the most needy from cuts in services as governor. I also read somewhere that when she ran for state insurance commissioner, she refused to take money from insurance companies, so I thought that was a big positive.
I'm one of the original Deaniacs (since March of 2003) and would love to see him get the HHS post, but I have to say, Sebellius looks like a pretty good choice.