Democrat Al Franken, who has kept a generally low profile as the battle for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat has ground on, will surface Saturday on the Air America radio network, where he once was a talk-show host.
In an interview with Mark Green, the network's president, Franken expresses frustration about the length of the fight with Republican Norm Coleman.
"Well, Frannie and I Iook at each other at night, usually right before we go to bed, and go like: 'How long is this gonna go on?' But, it really looks now that it's going to get resolved in my favor, and soon, and so I'm actually excited to get there. So that sort of overcomes the frustration," he said in a transcript provided by Air America.
He compared his old career as a satirist and radio host with his hoped-for new job.
"On Air America, part of the three hours a day is debunking the right and that kind of thing. But, when you're faced with actually trying to help folks, you know, the past couple of days I've been going around talking to mayors in Duluth and Two Harbors, Minnesota, the mayor of Champlain, the mayor of St. Paul, the mayor of Rochester, county commissioners, etc., trying to figure out how they can get access to the stimulus package, and what they need.