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Families First Tax Plan is FOR CHILDREN

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democratreformed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 11:41 AM
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Families First Tax Plan is FOR CHILDREN
I would like to ask that you take a moment to think about the people in your community. Can you think of people who are in need? I bet you can. Of those people, who do you consider to be the ones who are least able to help themselves? You might be able to think of a few adults, but many of them will be children. Children are a group of our citizens whose very livelihood depend upon someone other than themselves. Wes Clark's new tax plan is designed to help THEM.

Have any of you ever participated in the Christmas for Kids program? This year, I chose to buy Christmas for three children who were in the same family and who had just moved back to our community. I was given a piece of paper with each child's age, sex, clothing and shoe sizes, specials needs, and special wishes. My daughter and I delighted in shopping for these children whose names we do not know. We finished our shopping just before we left with the first Clark Convoy to New Hampshire. When we returned, we wrapped all our gifts and called the coordinator to come pick them up. We have never seen these children and we don't know who they are. But, it gives me great pleasure to think that on Christmas morning, these children awoke to five sets of new clothes, new shoes, and the toys they asked for.

This is the spirit of the Families First Tax Reform Plan. No one can do all things for all people at the same time. So, this plan targets the most helpless among us.

I think as time goes on, we will see more programs from Wes Clark that target children. He has spoken often about how he feels that helping children is a very important goal of his. I won't go into how important I think children are. But, hopefully, you can see that I feel very strongly that they are important as well. Remember that old adage "Children are our future"? This plan takes a big step in improving that future.
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