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Official: Investigator to lead stimulus oversight

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democracy1st Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 09:34 PM
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Official: Investigator to lead stimulus oversight
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama plans to announce Monday a former Secret Service agent who helped expose lobbyists' corruption at the Interior Department as his pick to oversee the $787 billion economic stimulus plan.

Obama is set to name Earl Devaney as chairman of the new Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board, an administration official said Sunday. Vice President Joe Biden also will be given a role coordinating oversight of stimulus spending.

The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the White House had not made public the announcement.

Devaney, the inspector general of the Interior Department, helped turn up disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff's dealings at the department. The department's No. 2 official, Steven Griles, pleaded guilty to charges he lied during congressional testimony based in part on Devaney's investigation.

Italia Federici, co-founder of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, and former Interior Department official Roger Stillwell also pleaded guilty to charges stemming from the Interior investigation.

Obama has pledged the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board to be an at-large body to oversee how the government spends billions allocated to help the flailing U.S. economy. But with dozens of agencies and departments involved, Obama wanted a central group to independently monitor where those funds are going.

Obama also planned to tap Biden to meet regularly with Cabinet members, governors and mayors to make sure their efforts were quick and effective. His reports to Obama are expected to be posted at the administration Web site devoted to the bill,

Obama was set to announce Devaney during a Monday meeting with governors, who have largely supported the economic stimulus package because it will direct billions to their states for schools, roads and technology.

In addition to the Abramoff investigation, Devaney led a separate investigation into workers at the Minerals Management Service, part of the Interior Department. His review found a "culture of substance abuse and promiscuity" at the Denver and Washington offices of the service.

He has served as the inspector general — or in-house auditor — of the Interior Department since 1999.

Devaney worked as a senior official with the Secret Service, retiring in 1991. He then worked as head of criminal enforcement at the Environmental Protection Agency.

A native of Massachusetts, Devaney earned a degree from Franklin and Marshall College.
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firedupdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 09:39 PM
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1. Sounds like an excellent choice. n/t
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jenmito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 09:39 PM
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2. K&R. The Obama admin. is the Bizarro Bush admin.!
This is terrific!
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theoldman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 09:50 PM
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3. This will keep Biden busy and relieve Obama of some work.
A good boss knows how to delegate.
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