First off let me say I'm a bit pissed off by these threads that keep popping up why Obama hasn't, isn't or won't be doing such and such. People are expecting miracles in a mere month that hasn't been done in the past 40-60 years. It makes me wonder if Clinton had gone through the same, or even if Gore made such promises before Dems were going to vote for him in numbers. Let's be serious. You have to give the man and his administration time to look at not only the details, or situations, that we ar not privy too before taking actions. If people sat and thought throw things they wouldn't be putting such demand and making their list or what they feel needs to be done or what is on the agenda for the progressive thinker. Every progressive has a to-do list and wants things done, and each is subjective and has a sort of "mandated timeline"; added to this some have longer lists than others. Then you have the right-wingers who also have a time line that might appeal to some Dems and that has to be weighted as well. Not to mention any information that there is assymetric information. Meaning, there are many things we may find horrendous but there could be viable reasoning for it, that we know nothing about. Sure that doesn't mean it's correct, but it does mean that if we were in power we'd have problems as to what to do about them. Remember Obama said he and his staff will be looking at everything before making any solid decisions. He can make a few, but there will be a few that may take longer than others...that being said I'll continue on with my answers.
1. I personally would prefer they end the embargo with Cuba. But keep in mind that Obama has been president for what? A little over a month. I'm sure he's going to start making some changes in regards to Cuba because he will see Cuba as being punished enough and there is no other reason but for political/traditional reasoning. With four years to go, he might be able to focus on it after focusing on the elements of our economy and social structure later on. I don't think there needs to be a rush decision on it, since this has been in the works for a while. Right now he's dealing with a major economic crisis that is taking down the US. Bankers are acting stupid and basically fucking WS, so there could be a chance of more problems.
2. The World Court, I'm assuming you mean the ICC? As in the International Criminal Court, if we do that we have serious problems with our world leaders being taken captive and causing some unrest. Remember there is a lot the US could be facing and reparations or some sort of reparations that will be needed to be paid or done. I don't see this being a problem in relation to me. However, I can see Clinton being taken into this sort of court system, we have Kissinger who would probably the first to go and since this new Gov doesn't even want to touch the Bush admin, be sure the ICC will do it. Not to mention the ICC is still making up it's laws and getting things together. When I last worked for a coalition for the ICC, which was admittedly years ago, the main problem facing the US was not only because of it's war crimes was because the laws were a bit broad and went against a few of US regs...of course that could have changed. I could see Obama and his admin actually considering this however, they would have to see if it's in their best interest and I personally think it is, but considering all the people in our past political heirarchy of power....it might not be and seen as problematic. Not to mention it would hold presidents accountable in their actions and possibly mistakes <---which may not be seen as a positive.
3. School of the Americas. Good point here...I'd support a reformation since the plan was to reform. They make claims they have reformed it and considering that the last horrible dictator that came out of that school was about 15 years ago or so...there might not be a need to actually do anything. However, I respect the watch team for it and I do think there needs to be some other changes in regards to transparency. I agree with this, but this is something else that can take a back seat.
4. I have no clue why. This is definitely something they could do now or in the future.
Again I get the feeling there is a lot of informationt that we the people are not privy too when it comes in relation to the Government. So that being said, there could be valid reasons. I get the feeling that on a few of these conditions the Obama admin will look into but give them some time. I don't see the massive rush and lists people on DU keep making. I always get the feeling it's a way to undermine the gains that Obama has made in the short time he has taken office. There seems to be a lack of patience, forthwith, and understanding when it comes to him, his decision making, and his administration. I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk about it and discuss these issues that matter and have some weight in importance. But many of these posts imply that he's going Republican and doing republican. Remember Obama is still chosing his cabinet and having them verified by the committee, yet people are jumping down this throat. So it's not about you not "trying" to attack, it's the undermining affect it presents.