You go to a movie and sit down next to a man. The man proceeds to have a seizure (no connection, we're told). You swear at the theatre staff until they summon the emergency services. You save a life. You go back to the Oval Office.
Josh Lyman was never this exciting. surprised fellow moviegoer passes on word that Rahm Emanuel took time out Saturday night to see The Wrestler at the E Street Cinema last night with a Secret Service Agent.
It was not a quiet night out.
"The guy sitting next to Rahm -- literally sharing an armrest with him -- had a seizure of some kind," the moviegoer tells me. "Rahm used some vulgarities to impress upon the movie theater staff -- who wanted to move the guy out of the movie theater so they could restart the film -- that they should wait until EMS got there."
Emanuel stayed and helped, I'm told, until EMS arrived. Dog Lake discusses this today.Jane Hamsher gets right to the point.
Emanuel probably planted the person in the theater so he could come across as a hero. Everyone in the netroots and the GOP know what kind of person Rahm is!