Jindal Speech = "Oh YEAH, Mister Hotshot Speaking-Like-a-Grownup-pants? Oh YEAH?"
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Tue Feb-24-09 11:18 PM
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Jindal Speech = "Oh YEAH, Mister Hotshot Speaking-Like-a-Grownup-pants? Oh YEAH?" |
I got nuthin'. :cry:
How in the hell did this guy EVER win a public office?
It sure wasn't because of his oration skills.
Heebus. He made McCain look smooth.
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Wed Feb-25-09 12:04 AM
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1. Hearing this man speak for the first time tonight, AFTER hearing so much |
about how he's the 2012 favorite for the GOP, my FACE HURTS from smiling and laughing so hard. If this (and Palin) is the BEST the GOP has for 2012, this is going to be FUCKING AWESOME. :)
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:40 AM
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