HALPERIN'S TAKE: Fifteen Things We Learned (Or Relearned) About Barack Obama and His Presidency
1. He smartly plans to ignore the media's fetishistic obsession with how he balances optimism and realism.
2. Michelle Obama (and her popularity) will not go unused by the administration as a valuable asset.
3. He appreciates Joe Biden, ...
(the rest of number three is stupid, if you want to see how stupid, go read it yourself but I'm not bringing that BS back here.)
4. The president has a good ear for the level of populist outrage he needs to exhibit to satisfy the public's anger over Wall Street shenanigans.
5. If Republicans weren't sufficiently worried about the size and reach of Obama's megaphone before Tuesday night, they should ramp up their concern now.
6. Obama truly believes he is at the beginning of four-year teaching moment for the American people – and that his students are mature enough and interested enough to actually learn.
7. He's Mr. Cool, then, now and forever.
8. He knows that confidence is key – as much for him as for the country.
9. Like his predecessor, he feels no need to be loved by members of the Washington political power structure (but unlike his predecessor, he's not hostile to it).
10. He's doing his homework and he knows his history.
11. He's well aware of the audience(s) in the room and the audience(s) at home (and how those bodies interact and dovetail).
12. Education is the sleeper issue of this administration.
13. He seems genuinely inspired by the power and opportunities of the presidency (and has not become overwhelmed by the responsibilities, despite the overwhelming circumstances).
14. Youth + competence = a refreshing antidote to these exhausting times.
15. The man can give a heck of a speech – and has a close to perfect record of delivering at big moments.