From The Nation...
Jindal Doesn't Levitate to the Occasion
posted by Ari Berman on 02/25/2009 @ 11:33am
Ronald Reagan gave us "voodoo economics." Dennis Kucinich spotted a UFO. Credit Bobby Jindal for making "magnetic levitation" and "volcano monitoring" national buzzwords.
The Louisiana boy wonder has always been an eccentric fellow, converting from Hinduism to Catholicism in high school, changing his name from Piyush to Bobby and reportedly participating in an exorcism in college (at Brown, no less!). He's signed legislation as Governor of Louisiana to chemically castrate sex offenders and recently refused to accept extended unemployment benefits for his economically depressed state as part of the stimulus.
His folksy demeanor, on display in his response to Obama last night, helps to conceal his hard right politics.