keep this kicked so everyone in the DU community has a chance to sign. Thanks.
Show President Obama you appreciate all he's done in his first month in office. Sign our thank you card now! a difference a new President makes! After 8 years of fighting an Administration that moved America backwards, it's so refreshing to have Barack Obama in the White House. Elections truly do have consequences!
It's only been a month since Barack Obama was sworn in as our 44th President, and already he's signed several key executive orders to start putting America back on track -- banning torture, overturning the global gag rule, and supporting California's efforts to reduce global warming.
Let's show President Obama our appreciation for what he's already done in just the first month -- and let him know that we're standing with him.
Sign my online thank you card to President Barack Obama now!
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With just a few strokes of his pen over the past few weeks, President Obama has begun the long process of restoring our nation's strength and respect at home and abroad.
By banning torture in the interrogation of detainees, President Obama is returning America to the moral high ground while keeping our brave American servicemen and women safer -- especially those who may be captured on the battlefield.
By overturning the global gag rule, President Obama is ensuring funding for public health programs that improve the lives of thousands of women all across the world.
And by urging the EPA to grant California's request to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks, reversing the Bush Administration's waiver denial, President Obama is helping America lead the fight against global warming.
What's more, President Obama has signed into law two significant bills passed by Congress: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, to stimulate our economy and create millions of new jobs, and the Lilly Ledbetter Act, working to ensure equal pay for women and men for equal work.
It's only been a month, but already President Obama is making a lot of progress. So let's tell him we appreciate everything he's already done -- and that we stand with him.
Sign my online thank you card to President Barack Obama now!
Over the past 8 years, I often urged Californians to protest President Bush's decisions.
Isn't it a relief to have a President who we can thank for a change?
Please sign my online thank you card to President Obama now -- and I'll deliver it to the White House.
In Friendship,
Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator
P.S. We've still got a lot of work to do, but isn't it great to see real progress in just the first month of the new Obama Administration? Let's tell President Obama that we appreciate all he's already done -- and that we stand with him on the tough work that lies ahead. Sign my thank you card now!!