- Even though I knew spending would go up, the amount of the deficit projected, $1.75 trillion for FY2010 blew me away. This is going to be a very tough sell to Congress. President Obama has the political capital to make it happen, but this will not be easy.
- Part of the increase in the budget deficit is directly attributable to George Bush's wars in Iraq in Afghanistan. Bush kept the wars off the budget line by declaring them "emergency spending". Obama, in his speech on Monday night, promised to take the secrecy out of the war funding by putting it back in the budget where it belongs.
- Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire is a good thing. The most prosperous years in our country's history were during Clinton's presidency. Moving top marginal tax rates back to Pre-Bush levels will cause NO significant harm to the economy because of this.
- It looks like Obama is actually fulfilling his campaign promises to the American people in both the Stimulus Bill and his budget proposal. He promised to cut taxes for 95% of working families (Check), he promised to spend $15 billion/yr for ten years on alternative fuels (Check), He promised to bring affordable health care to the 48 million uninsured (Check), he promised to begin the responsible withdrawal of troops from Iraq (Check), he promised a renewed commitment to defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan and NW Pakistan (Check), he promised to provide tax credits to assist students in attending college (Check), he promised to bring new accountability and transparency to government agencies (Check), and he promised to offer the American people hope in the midst of great struggle (Double Check)
- I have a terrible feeling that the MSM will attack Obama much like they did Carter, but I think Obama knows this. President Obama understands the "urgency of now" in solving our national woes, and he seems more willing to lose his re-election bid while trying his best to solve our problems than coast to victory while doing nothing substantial. President Obama is the one we have been waiting for. Godspeed, Mr. President.