South Carolinians, I have posted the following message on our state forum:
"Rep Spratt is the ranking Dem on the House Budget committee and he seems to be a bit of a conservative Blue Dog. He has set up his e-mail access so that only those in his District (District 5, Rock Hill Area) can get through but it would be helpful if Rep Spratt heard from South Carolinians telling him that we approve of Pres. Obama's budget and attention to areas that have been ignored for too long. Please call 202-225-5501 or fax 202-225-0464 to let him know we will appreciate his support.
Please note that there are lots of Progressives in SC but we are well out numbered. We will be drowned out if we don't act now. Be polite but pointed and make sure that Rep Spratt knows he will be cheered if he makes the right decision."
President Obama has supported our effort to improve our schools by mentioning the shame of our system (Dillon's example). Rep Spratt will have a lot to do with getting the President's budget through the House so we have to be heard. As we are from the reddest of red states, we are seldom in a position to contribute to the progressive agenda but here is a real opportunity.
Those in other states- CALL, FAX and E-MAil your Senators and Reps. The opposition is vocal!!!! We cannot let them overwhelm us and drown out our majority voice by our apathy!!!!!