I've been trying to get to a Dean Meet-up for the last six months. Because of business travel I've been out of town or still working whenever I tried to go to a meeting. But finally last night my wife and I made it. What an exciting event!
I must admit that even though Dean is doing great in the polls the recent media firestorm and the online sock-puppet brigades piling-on Dean was starting to impact my otherwise optimistic view of this campaign.
However last night changed that. I strongly suggest any Dean supporters, or other candidate supporters, to get to your local campaign meet-ups. Avoid the negativity. Support your candidate with positive contributions. We'll all feel better when whomever we nominate goes up against the Bushies.
My wife and I attended one of several San Fernando Dean meet-ups here in California. Some of the highlights were the following.
They showed a video of Al Gore endorsing Dean. When did he become such a powerful speaker?
We also almost ran out of seats. The organizers were stunned by the turnout. Great to see after all the recent negative media.
The organizers gave great pep talks about all the exciting events coming up. My wife are looking forward to giving 5 to 10 hours to the campaign a week. I'm really excited by the upcoming rallies.
Even our waiter was a Dean supporter. Man, that guy worked hard bringing drinks and food to the overflow crowd.
So here's the picture. This shows less then half the crowd as the room was too small to get all of us in one shot. I'm the guy holding up victory signs on the right.

More photos here:
http://dean2004.meetup.com/photos/?locale=514&time=200401071900*ON EDIT: the images don't seen to come up when I check back on this link. Probably due to the changing file names as more and more Meet-ups upload their images. If you don't see an image here try going to the links below.
More pictures here of various meet-ups around the country. It will take a couple of days for all the meet-ups to upload their pictures.
http://dean2004.meetup.com/photos/recap/200401071900So see ya at the next Meet-up?

Images from Dean Rocks the House of Blues, Hollywood
From wtmusic
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=919849From Joefree1