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Eleanor Clift: The Halo Holds

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-25-09 05:57 PM
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Eleanor Clift: The Halo Holds

Eleanor Clift
The Halo Holds

Obama gets a B-plus for his first 100 days, while the retro GOP battles FDR.
Apr 24, 2009

The reporters assembled Thursday morning to hear the results of a new poll measuring public attitudes toward President Obama did their best to ferret out nuggets of bad news. How durable is the president's high job-approval rating (63 percent) and higher-yet personal rating (73 percent)? One bit of bad news and the rainbow disappears? asked one scribe. What about the narrative Republicans are advancing that Obama is a weak president who can be pushed around? Another wondered how much of Obama's "halo effect" could be attributed to the nation's "historic self-congratulations" over the breakthrough his election represented.

But voters aren't in a self-congratulatory mood. They're worried about the economy, and the Obama that emerges in the data is a strong leader with convictions who has held up despite the battering he's gotten in the three months since taking office. Pressed to point to red flags for Obama in the numbers, Pew Research Center president Andy Kohut pleaded, "I'm trying, I'm trying." The poll was completed before controversy spiked this week over the release of torture memos and whether to hold Bush-era officials accountable. Obama had always danced around the issue, but then, in what seemed an abrupt reversal, said he would consider a truth commission if it were bipartisan and structured outside of Congress's normal hearing process, which sounds reasonable, but ignited such a partisan uproar that Obama backed off two days later.

If you're a Republican, a truth commission looks like retribution. The policy has been stopped, and now what's left is the blame game. Kohut cautioned that we don't know how the public would react to a full-blown investigation of the Bush-Cheney administration's methods over the years. When Bush left office, he was held in low regard with one exception: he kept the country safe. "There's a fair degree of tolerance for torture when people think they're being protected," Kohut said. More than four in 10 said those tactics are often or sometimes justified, views that do not match the outcry Obama is hearing from Democratic activists. Obama has said repeatedly, maybe too much so, that he doesn't want to be backward-looking. "He views this not unreasonably as a diversion from his agenda," says Bill Galston, a senior fellow with the Brookings Institution. "He's learning what all presidents learn: there are limits to agenda control. You do what is thrust upon you."

The flip side of Obama's cool and unperturbed demeanor is that he sometimes doesn't quite get the passions that are part of politics, or would rather set them aside in service of his larger vision. It became clear this week that he has to find a way for Democrats to vent the anger built up against an administration that many feel acted illegally, perhaps criminally. Galston is among those who believe that one way or another, there will have to be a commission. It took legislation to create the 9/11 inquiry and Republicans could filibuster to block the creation of a truth commission, but maybe not. Some Republicans think the memos released so far are not the full picture and that the whole story, when told, could make Bush critics rue the day they questioned what the former administration did to protect the country.

Despite the current controversy, Obama gets high marks; not an A, because we still have to wait for outcomes, but a solid B-plus. He has established himself in the office, the country is more upbeat, but the hard decisions are yet to come. The great asset he has is the collapse of the Republican Party. They have neither a credible message nor messenger. They're railing against big government, when the core issue is the failings of capitalism. They call for smaller government and berate Obama for moving toward socialism when people are not hungering for tax cuts. They're looking for jobs so they can pay taxes. Instead of developing alternative policies, they're back to attacking FDR. He won four elections. Politico reports that House Republicans have fastened on a new book, "The Forgotten Man," that celebrates Wendell Willkie and denigrates the New Deal. Willkie—a Wall Street industrialist who had never held elective office, was a decent-enough fellow but lost to Roosevelt by a landslide in 1940—is an unlikely hero on which to build a new GOP.

At a time of crisis, when Americans look to Washington for help, the GOP has reverted to an outmoded form of libertarianism, calling for government to get out of the way when, if government had been more watchful, we might not be in this mess. There are opportunities for Republicans in the public's apprehension over the rising deficit, and in the discomfort many feel over the various bailouts. But a party is not serious when its headliners are a radio talk-show host and a discredited former vice president. Newt Gingrich is back as a rising star and Republicans are battling FDR, giving the GOP a rather retro feel. That gives Obama lots of latitude looking forward.
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starroute Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-25-09 11:56 PM
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1. Calling Wilkie "The Forgotten Man"? Surely somebody's kidding!
Or maybe it's just that historical memory is awfully short.

Among the songs that deal seriously with the Depression and that have some relevance to the myth of America are "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" (1932) by E. Y. Harburg and Jay Gorney and "Remember My Forgotten Man" (1933) by Al Dubin and Harry Warren. ... in "Remember My Forgotten Man," delivered by Joan Blondell in her own inimitable popular Sprechstimme style, the narrator seems to be addressing government as she reminds them that her man cultivated the land and carried a "rifle in his hand." The songwriters paint a picture of a man who has contributed to the plenty of the land, fought to defend that land and all it stands for, and is now disenfranchised from it. ...

The context of its performance is important to this song. The message one would derive from it if it were played at home or heard in a club would be somewhat different from what audiences experienced watching the film Gold Diggers of 1933. In that film, the song is the finale, a huge Busby Berkeley production number, which begins by vividly parading hundreds of "forgotten men" across the stage but ends up on an "up" note as, in typical Berkeley style, the chorus forms the NRA eagle for a classic center weighted shot.

I don't know if he deserves a bit of sympathy,
Forget your sympathy, that's all right with me.
I was satisfied to drift along from day to day,
Till they came and took my man away.

Remember my forgotten man,
You put a rifle in his hand;
You sent him far away,
You shouted, "Hip, hooray!"
But look at him today!

Remember my forgotten man,
You had him cultivate the land;
He walked behind the plow,
The sweat fell from his brow,
But look at him right now!

And once, he used to love me,
I was happy then;
He used to take care of me,
Won't you bring him back again?

'Cause ever since the world began,
A woman's got to have a man;
Forgetting him, you see,
Means you're forgetting me
Like my forgotten man.

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Tarheel_Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-26-09 01:04 AM
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2. Great article. Thanks for posting. (nt)
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DFW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-26-09 01:50 AM
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3. I think she got it exactly right this time
I don't always agree with everything Eleanor writes, but I think in this article, she didn't miss a thing.
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