About Kagan:
"At her confirmation hearing, Kagan also drew criticism for arguing that battlefield law, including indefinite detention without a trial, could apply outside of traditional battlefields"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elena_Kagan#Solicitor_General_nominationLike we need another SCOTUS justice who's defending that sort of behavior. Ugh.
About Sotomayer:
"In July 2005, a number of Senate Democrats suggested Sotomayor, among others, to President George W. Bush as a nominee acceptable to them to fill the seat of retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. The suggestion was criticized by John Lott and Sonia D. Jones on the conservative blog National Review Online as being in bad faith, because, they argued, it reflected insufficient effort on the part of the Democrats to suggest conservative nominees acceptable to Bush. Lott and Jones noted that Sotomayor was rated only "moderate" or "neutral," rather than "conservative," in a survey by the Almanac of the Federal Judiciary of courtroom lawyers regarding the political views of the judges they encounter in their litigation."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonia_Sotomayor#Possible_nomination_to_the_Supreme_CourtHispanic or not, this woman is a moderate at best--she's not the kind of liberal we need to replace one of our few remaining liberal lions.
I vote for Diane Wood. Anybody who pisses off Anne Coulter is probably a good bet for us:
"Early in her time on the appellate court, Wood attracted the attention of conservative columnist Ann Coulter, who ridiculed a Wood opinion that failure to provide a prisoner with a smoke-free environment constituted "cruel and unusual punishment."