Our president will have at least one more SC nominee in his first term. Probably be able to replace a troglodyte by the end of his second term.
But this one. This one is a shoe in. The republicans are in disarray, and they are distrusted. This is not the time for a "safe" nominee. This is not the time for a nominee that will only make cheney cough. We need one that will actually send he and rove into cardiac arrest.
We will not likely get the chance to nominate a true progressive again. Later this term, close to the mid-terms, and definitely next term, the neocons will have continued the drumbeat through their MSM slaves that will begin to dull the thinking of the public. Right now, the American public is ignoring the talking suits and are really supporting our guy.
I won't pretend to know who would be best, but I do know that this is one time we can actually get a truly good justice on the court - smart, young, dedicated. Let's save the safer ones for later. We have years of vile nominees to counteract.