For 40 years, from 1954 to 1994, the Democratic party controlled the House of Representatives... and for most of that time, the Senate as well. During those years, the United States:
- Won the Cold War. - Made incredible advances in Civil Rights with the "Great Society" programs of the 60s. - Created the interstate highway system. - Sent men to the moon. - Developed the Internet - Saw unprecedented improvements in the standard of living for the middle class - Cured Polio and other diseases - Saw advancements in reproductive rights
There were lots of problems too... big ones. Vietnam, Watergate, Stagflation, Iran-Contra, Race riots, etc.
But on the whole, it was an amazing 40 years of American progress.
But Americans forgot what it was like when Republicans were in charge... and Newt and Company fooled them into believing that they could do a better job.
So Americans gave the reins of power to the GOP.
It took 12 years for America to figure out what a bad move this was. In those 12 years:
- 9/11 occurred - A kangaroo-court "impeachment" trial occurred - The seeds of a collosal economic collapse were planted. The 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagle Act, the dotcom bubble, the housing bubble, the emergence of "derivatives trading", the growth in income disparity between the rich and poor. - A stunning rise in anti-Americanism abroad. - A loss of U.S. leadership standing in civil rights, science, and just about every other endeavor.
The reason why 2010 won't be anything like 1994 boils down to this:
- In 1994, most voters had no real memory of how bad Republicans are at governing.... so they were willing to "try something new".
- In 2010, the completely incompetent performance of Republican governance will still be fresh in the minds of every voter.
It will be a couple decades before the American public's collective "memory" will be purged enough to make them willing to give the GOP another chance.
The bottom line is that Democrats are simply better at governing the nation than Republicans are. Democrats have a stake in government operating properly and fairly, so they try to make things work. Republicans, by their very philosophy, distrust all things related to the government (except the Military) and therefore don't even try to make things work.