We obviously have taken the profit motive out of military decision making because there was no profit at the end of the Iraqi tunnel. Oh sure there was profit all around the implementation of war, but there certainly wasn't any profit involved for the rest of the country that wasn't somehow tied to a Cheney connected company.
And yet that remains okay to most Americans.
Make no mistake about it; this coming Health Care industry remake is all about a profit motive. Again there is profit to be made all around the medical sector. But must there be a profit motive when a patients health is at stake? That is the fundamental ethical question that is jumping around in the back row waiting to be addressed.
If we continue to allow the Insurance industry to ration health care in this country, there will be profit. And a good chunk of that profit will come by rationing health care. The conservative have it right, this notion of rationing health care except they don't acknowledge that this is exactly what is taking place right now with the Insurance Industry in charge of the American Health Care system.
People who are wealthy will not be effected, they never are, but the rest of us, the 95% who rely on insurance companies or government provided care will continue to have health care decisions made for us by cost cutting efficiency programs that will still allow clerks to deny needed health care.
If this is what we are going to do, tinker around the edges, then just let it go.
And if that happens, the rest of us should take a long hard look at this profit before principle country we live in the next time we go to the polls.