Specter's switch (and subsequent lamitude) ensures that he has no love from anyone
Cant trust em
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Tue May-05-09 03:56 PM
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Specter's switch (and subsequent lamitude) ensures that he has no love from anyone |
So now we have a seasoned senator who doesn't have any particular backing from the right or the left. What is he going to do now? After his statements about Norm Coleman being seated, I can't imagine the democratic base turning out for him in the primary.
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Tue May-05-09 04:04 PM
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1. His old ass should decide not to run. |
Now, that would be a great big favor for all involved!
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Tue May-05-09 04:09 PM
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2. I think PA deserves a REAL DEMOCRAT in 2010 |
We can make sure Spector is out by 2011............and some new Dem is in.
This guy is no favor to the Dem Party, let's vote him out.
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Tue May-05-09 04:43 PM
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Now there's a word you don't hear every day!
Cant trust em
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Tue May-05-09 06:08 PM
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4. Probably not every day, but at least 3 of 7 |
if you watch the Rachel Maddow show that is. =)
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Tue May-05-09 06:57 PM
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5. no love for anyone except Arlen Specter |
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Tue May-05-09 07:16 PM
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6. The guy's a scumbag. He's everything people dispise in a politician. Hopefully . . . |
we won't be stuck with that dickwad for very long.
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Tue May-05-09 10:43 PM
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7. He doesn't need for anyone to love him |
... but his constituents, which is mostly as it should be. Trust me, Republicans have been bitching about Specter being a leftist who they couldn't trust for YEARS. Now Democrats get a turn at bitching about him being a right winger that they can't trust.
Everybody gets a bite of Arlen "Shit Sammich" Specter!
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Tue May-05-09 10:47 PM
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8. Him and Patterson should go out to dinner one f these days |
Edited on Tue May-05-09 10:48 PM by sarah553807
I bet they would have a lot in common.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:52 PM
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