Over at the Sleuth at WaPo, they've picked up on the latest Obama outrage: The mustard he ordered on his burger.
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2009/05/_fallout_over_president_obamas.html?hpid=news-col-blogMary Ann Akers notes:
"Cornell law school professor William Jacobson has been obsessively chronicling what he has dubbed "dijongate" on his blog. "Obama ordered his burger with DIJON MUSTARD! Bet he had to seek John Kerry's counsel on that," writes Jacobson.
He, too, notes the alleged cover-up by the mainstream media, noting that Mitchell "didn't mention one arugula-like fact" - which was that Obama had the gall to ask for Dijon mustard. "You couldn't hear it on the MSNBC video because Andrea and her correspondent Kelly O'Donnel (they needed two people to cover this story) were talking so much," says Jacobson."
And here is the man's blog itself:
The post concerned the lunch trip of Obama and Biden to a burger shop to get a "Hell Burger." I accept that this should not have been news, but the White House image makers wanted to portray the two as just regular guys out at the local diner, so the event was hyped. MSNBC just happened to be in the burger place with cameras rolling when Obama and Biden came in and ordered. Again, not sure why MSNBC had to cover it, but they did, on live TV with Andrea Mitchell at the news desk and Kelly O'Donnell on scene. The dialogue between the two harped on how the trip had a "real guy kind of quality."
And that was the story line. Two regular guys out for a guy kind of meal. A script written in the White House and read by MSNBC.
But MSNBC edited out the audio when Obama ordered his Hell Burger just at the moment when Obama asked for Dijon mustard. Now I have nothing against Dijon mustard, but the image didn't fit with the image being spun by the White House and MSNBC. Dijon mustard on a Hell Burger had a very John Kerry-ish quality about it.
http://legalinsurrection.blogspot.com/2009/05/msnbc-hides-obamas-dijon-mustard.htmlHe then updates this story TEN TIMES and starts a whole new blog post about it where he attacks Obama as a blank slate that the mainstream media and "nutroots" are trying to build up.
Well done, sir.