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"It’s all just a little incestuous, don’t you think?" (those giving testimony to Congress regarding

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snowdays Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 09:22 AM
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"It’s all just a little incestuous, don’t you think?" (those giving testimony to Congress regarding
Edited on Sat May-09-09 09:24 AM by snowdays
so-called 'health care reform"

Get Them Out: Rotten Apples in Congressional Witness Bushel on Health Reform

May 4, 2009 by Healthcare-NOW!
Filed under Single-Payer News
By Donna Smith–

Many know by now that a single payer healthcare system is the type of reform most widely supported by the American people and a majority of nurses, doctors and healthcare professionals. Many also know that Congress has so far deftly and purposely shunned most expert witnesses who would offer evidence in favor of that publicly funded, privately delivered system. The media has also done its part to keep the message targeted away from single payer as recent independent studies showed how the mainstream media did its level best to keep big insurance and pharmaceutical advertisers happy by not reporting fairly on the topic.

Congress isn’t alone in its shading the discussion nor is the media. Both followed President Obama’s lead as he locked out the single payer voice from the first White House forum on health reform until the phone lines jammed with reports of planned protests by nurses in scrubs and white-coated docs marching outside the gates of the executive mansion while the industry “stakeholders” and the elected officials they support so mightily met inside at the invitation of Mr. Obama.

We might expect the fawning and fainting with glee over the cooperation between the usual suspects in this health reform period. With the most power-challenging and boat-rocking alternative kept out of the picture for now, those who profit most under a for-profit insurance based reform would be expected to act as if they have previously been enemies but are now ever so generously working together.

This is political theater staged by those with lots and lots of money in the game, and it is a fight for human rights being waged outside that political theater by those of us with lots and lots of real skin in the game. Millions of Americans have lost loved ones and homes and careers and good health and credit ratings to this travesty of a system, and none of the plans currently being “vetted” by this Congress or this President do much to mitigate that at all. It is a classic struggle of epic proportions.

But some of what is being offered and accepted as expert Congressional testimony is shocking even within this skewed and staged arena. There are some real rotten apples now in this Congressional record. And those rotten apples will spoil the whole process unless we all demand better. This fight for healthcare justice demands that we call for our best experts, our finest minds and not simply the most well-connected ones.

One example of the terribly biased testimonies being taken is that of the testimony submitted by Richard Scott to the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee, subcommittee on health, on March 24, 2009. Mr. Scott reports that he was asked to submit his testimony to the committee. On his website, Conservatives for Patient Rights, Scott touts his own experience in the delivery of healthcare in this nation as reason enough to consider him an expert. And Scott is also launching some very inaccurate advertising on behalf of his “organization” in the effort to keep himself and his closet allies in the insurance and private provider industry in a very preferred position in the U.S. healthcare system.

Here’s a bit of this Congressional expert witness’s biography: Scott founded the Columbia Hospital Corporation in 1987, but dumped by the company’s board of directors in 1997 in the midst of the nation’s biggest healthcare (Medicare and Medicaid) fraud scandal. In 2001, Scott co-founded the Solantic Corporation, which operates walk-in medical care centers.

We need to know more about who is influencing Congress and the media now in the discussion. So, here’s more about witness Scott: In July 1997, when Scott was then the chairman and CEO of Columbia/Hospital Corporation of America and was forced out by the company’s board of directors, he left with a $10 million severance deal and 10 million shares of stock. At that time, the shares were worth more than $300 million. Scott was replaced by Dr. Thomas Frist, Jr., the co-founder of HCA and the brother of Senator Bill Frist, then Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate.
It’s all just a little incestuous, don’t you think?

……..continued with more good examples……..
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bvar22 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 11:25 AM
Response to Original message
1. The current Health Care "debate" is an insult .
Where the hell is "YES We Can ?"

We are being told by the Republicans and the "Centrist" Democrats "No We Can't !"
We are being told that Single Payer is just too hard for America.
We are being told that Americans will just have to settle for LESS.

I expect that from Republicans, but it is DEMOCRATS who are taking the lead in this OUTRAGE.
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snowdays Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 11:34 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Many are willing to settle for less. Sad but true. We have no leadership
coming from the WH nor the Congress on true health care reform.
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