Diane Wood, a 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge who served on the University of Chicago faculty with President Obama, will be watched closely during oral arguments Wednesday at the Dirksen Federal Building.
She has already come under attack from critics who say she is too liberal. “Judge Wood has betrayed a consistent hostility to religious litigants and religious interests,” the conservative Judicial Confirmation Network said in a statement Friday.
But Wood, at least in the mezuzah case, championed the religious litigants’ side. Last year, she stood up for the right of owners to post religious symbols, including observant Jews to post mezuzot (plural of mezuzah) and Christians to post crucifixes. She said Lynne Bloch, son Nathan and daughter Helen ought to be able to present a jury with evidence they were discriminated against by the board of the Shoreline Towers Condominium, 6301 N. Sheridan, when the board began removing the family’s mezuzah in 2004.
But the two more-conservative judges on the court, led by Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook, outvoted her then, ruling that Shoreline has the right to enforce its code against clutter, presuming it is religiously neutral; a crucifix, for example, would also be prohibited.