Biden to grads: You have chance to shape history
Associated Press Writer
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden told more than 3,000 college graduates that they are at a watershed moment with a chance to shape history that few generations ever encounter.
He urged them during a commencement address Sunday to imagine a better world, and then get involved and help make improvements.
"There is a much greater risk in accepting a situation we know we cannot sustain than in steeling our spine and embracing the challenge of change," Biden said to students from Syracuse University and the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
"It is totally within your power to shape history. ... This has been the journey of America since its inception," said Biden, a 1968 graduate of Syracuse's law school, speaking to more than 19,000 people in the Carrier Dome.
Biden recalled how he, too, faced anxiety and uncertainty when graduating from college in the mid-1960s. The country was conflicted over the Vietnam War, the public's faith in its elected officials was waning, race riots were tearing apart America and two of its most promising leaders - Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy - were assassinated.
"All over this great country, a sense of hopelessness and helplessness began to take hold," Biden said.
"But as I walked across that stage, I never doubted for one instant that we could change that history, that we could rewrite the outcome we were careening toward, and we did," he said.
"It's 2009. Now it's your turn. You are graduating into a world of anxiety and uncertainty ... ," said Biden, pointing to a troubled economy, two wars and a planet in environmental peril.
"These are the challenges you face. But these are the moments you can embrace. Throughout the span of history, only a handful of us ever get a chance to actually shape the course of history," said the vice president, who received several standing ovations.