Why is the President still going to ASU? Screw them
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Sun May-10-09 08:13 PM
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Why is the President still going to ASU? Screw them |
I wish he would go to another school just to further piss off the idiots at ASU, maybe even a High School or Jr. College.
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Sun May-10-09 08:14 PM
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1. Even though the administration at ASU acted stupidly...I'm sure a |
lot of the students are looking forward to the President speaking there. I felt the same way about Notre Dame until I remembered that the complainers aren't really speaking for the students.
Captain Hilts
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Sun May-10-09 08:15 PM
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2. I agree. Go to a high school instead. nt |
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Sun May-10-09 08:18 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. ASU is more known for parites than an actual education. |
The Prez should bring his degrees from Harvard and Columbia just to show off.
Captain Hilts
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Sun May-10-09 08:21 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. I know someone from ASU that went to Columbia then Yale law...nt |
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Sun May-10-09 08:23 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
8. They're exceptions to everything. I'm sure some of the students are very bright |
But the audacity of the people who run that place. U don't want to give the POTUS an honorary degree? That still makes 0 sense.
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Mon May-11-09 06:53 AM
Response to Reply #8 |
16. they made a stupid decision on the honorary degree, but they are naming a scholarship program |
for Obama. In the long run, another honorary degree is meaningless. A scholarship program named for Obama will have a lasting impact. So of course he's going
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Mon May-11-09 02:52 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
14. It depends on what program. |
They have a good honors program that's almost like a separate campus and accepts some pretty bright kids. I have a friend who goes there and he's not much of a party animal at all (then again, it was between the ASU honors and UC Davis for him..)
The regular school, I agree is a party school.
Flying Dream Blues
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Sun May-10-09 08:22 PM
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5. Because he's not bothered by their stuff, and by going |
Edited on Sun May-10-09 08:22 PM by Flying Dream Blues
he helps them grow from their mistake. Nothing like a person with true grace and humility to help you learn it.
Edited: typo
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Sun May-10-09 08:22 PM
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6. Because he's a better man than I am. |
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Sun May-10-09 08:22 PM
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7. He committed to going there. I don't see him backing out and |
disappointing the people who want to see him. He doesn't need no stinkin' diploma from there.
Clio the Leo
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Sun May-10-09 08:55 PM
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9. Because he's Barack Obama .... |
Edited on Sun May-10-09 08:55 PM by Clio the Leo
.... and the more someone dislikes him, the more fun he has charming them. ;)
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Mon May-11-09 12:01 AM
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10. One of my friends has a daughter who will be graduating |
and she is so excited about Obama speaking at her commencement.
I think he should go for the students who supported him through this whole mess. A lot of students and faculty did support him. They shouldn't be penalized for the screw ups of the higher ups.
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Mon May-11-09 12:09 AM
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11. He made a committment. He's not Bush...he stands by his words. n/t |
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Mon May-11-09 02:19 AM
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12. Very simple- Obama has a very good chance of taking AZ next time |
and when it goes blue it will stay there for some time.
AZ has been shifting blue demographically for some time and many pollster believe that had they not nominated McCain the Republicans could not have carried the state.
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Mon May-11-09 02:44 AM
Response to Original message |
13. Because he's going to speak to the students, who have nothing to do with the decision not to give |
him the honorary degree.
And because he agreed to do it.
And because he's not so petty as to refuse to speak to the graduating students he promised to address just because the school won't give him an honorary award he doesn't need and probably couldn't care less about receiving.
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Mon May-11-09 02:54 AM
Response to Reply #13 |
15. I agree. The kids like him and deserve a great commencement. |
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