Lame Senate Excuses, 08 May 2009 06:46 Clark Newhall
The Senate is quickly running out of excuses to ignore single payer, but that doesn't seem to stop them spewing the same bilge we have heard over and over. This post on makes the point beautifully when contrasting Margaret Flowers interview on the Ed schulz show and contrasting it to Sen. Debbie Stabenow's lame responses on the same issue. It's incredible to me, and it shoud be to people in Michigan, that their Senator believes people 'want to keep the insurance they have." Doesn't she read the papers? People in Michigan don't have insurance becaue they don't have jobs, for pete sake. This verifies once more the observation that legislators in Washington do not live in the real world.
Once more we find ourselves assailing the high, the mighty, the powerful and the wealthy. Once more we find ourselves outside shouting to be heard. Once more we must join together and make a great noise. The Finance Committee Again
The Senate Finance Committee is hearing about health care reform, insurance-company-style, once more on May 12. Thanks to courageous protests by the Baucus 8, there is a better chance that a single payer advocate will be at the table. Three names are proposed: Rose Ann deMoro of CNA, Dr. Marcia Angell and Dr. Steffie Woolhandler. Sen. Schumer of New York has tentatively agreed to ask Sen. Baucus to inslude a single payer voice if -- and here is the rub -- another senator will aslo ask. The Senators to target are Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Kerry of Massachusetts and Rockefeller of W.Virginia.
So crank up those fax machines once more, expecially if you are from these states, aand lets blast the faxes to the White House and to the Senate Finance Committee members this weekend. We have sent 27 thousand faxes to Congress so far. Let's send another 27 thousand just this weekend.
Go to this page on 1payer to send your free fax.
Send one. Send all. Demand a seat at the table.
Make A Phone Call Too (or Two)
While you are completing your fax, you can also make a phone call to 800-578-4171. This is our phone tool that will record your voicemail message and automatically deliver it when the government's phone lines open.
We are expanding this tool for this weekend to deliver messages on Monday morning to Sen. Baucus and all Senate Finance Committee members. Tell the Committee they must hear the single payer point of view from Dr. Angell, Dr. Woolhandler and RoseAnn deMoro. Last week we delivered 500 phone messages on the first day the tool was operating to Sen. Baucus, one to two every minute, all day long. Let's get bigger than that this week. Call 800-578-4171 and record your message to the Senators. Be sure to say where you are from, so they will know you are watching.
Quick Links...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in DC May 13
Join the California Nurses and single payer activists from around the country in Washington on May 13. In the morning, Mike Farrell will introduce our TV ads to the press.
At noon, we will march from the Washington Court Hotel a few blocks to the Upper Senate Park,