-The national days of action will take place in May and June on different dates in specific cities. They will not all take place on May 30th, so check your city to find out when your local action will take place.-
May 30th: National Day of Action
Nationwide Rallies for Improved Medicare for All
Join thousands of single-payer supporters in a nationwide week of action to support improved Medicare for all (HR 676). Single-payer activists will be gathering all over the country to say, "Healthcare, yes; Insurance companies, no," and to show solidarity with demonstrations at the AHIP (American Health Insurance Plans, a private health insurance lobby) conference in San Diego.
If an action isn't already in your city, plan your own day of action! It can be a town hall meeting, demonstration in front of a local insurance company, film showing, vigil, or your own unique idea. Let us know what you'd like to start planning by contacting info@healthcare-now.org.
47 million Americans are uninsured. Private insurance rates are rising faster than inflation and our incomes. By 2025 the cost of private health insurance will exceed our projected income.
national, single-payer healthcare system is the only healthcare reform option that will cover every American resident while saving us billions of dollars. The majority of Americans want it. The majority of physicians want it. The only thing missing is the political will in Washington.
Improved Medicare for All: We can do it!
Sponsored by:
The Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care
Progressive Democrats of America
CNA/National Nurses Organizing Committee
Physicians for a National Health Program
Americans for Democratic Action
Demonstration Locations
Planning is happening in:
Albany, NY - May 27th
Atlana, GA - May 27th
Augusta, ME - May 30th
Austin, TX - May 30th
Billings, MT - May 16th
Boston, MA - May 30th
Denver, CO - May 30th
Elmwood Park, NJ - June 5
Indianapolis, IN - May 20th
Lawrence, KS - May 30th
Littleton, CO - May 30th
Louisville, KY - May 28th
Middleton, CT - May 28th
New Albany, IN - May 30th
New York City, NY - May 30th
Northampton, MA - TBA
Philadelphia, PA - May 30th
Pittsburgh, PA - May 29th
Phoenix, AZ - May 30th
Pontiac, MI - June 16th
Princeton, NJ - May 31st
Rochester, NY - May 30th
San Diego, CA - June 3rd
San Francisco, CA - TBA
Seattle, WA - May 30th
Tampa, FL - TBA
Topeka, KS - May 30th
Towson, MD - May 30th
Wheaton, MD - May 30th
For more information visit: