I know rules are meant to be broken, perhaps even the rule 'when you're in a hole, stop digging' but surely Dick Cheney is putting on a show for the ages. His challenges to table the evidence is prompting the Obama Administration to release 'the “top secret” May 7, 2004, inspector general report, based on more than 100 interviews, a review of the videotapes and 38,000 pages of documents, known as
'the holy grail' because it is expected to detail torture in unprecedented detail and to cast doubt on the claim that torture works.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=102&topic_id=3871257&mesg_id=3871257. Now, not content with mixing Limbaugh and Powell in a toxic cocktail, he's signing off with real belter: 'President Bush knew everything'
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=389&topic_id=5630867&mesg_id=5630867Andrew Sullivan is calling it panic. I haven't a clue where's he at, but for once, I am looking forward to the sequels.
Full Cheney Panic
What character does this reveal? The same character that sees torture - torture - as a "no-brainer". The same man who believes that freezing naked prisoners to hypothermia or strapping them to a board for a 175th near-drowning or stringing them up in stress positions so long the shackles rust up is in line with America's constitutional history and custom. The same tyrannical temperament that cannot abide another reality existing which isn't hammered or tortured into the shape he wants and demands.
Worse: he launches verbal assault after assault on the men and women who succeeded him. He accuses them of risking the lives of Americans, of making America less safe, and openly brags that his violation of the Geneva Conventions worked. Not content with writing his memoirs and letting history judge, he flails around like some prize fish, flapping on the deck of the boat, opening and shutting his mouth as his career expires.
And as history slowly accepts that this man disgraced his office more profoundly than any before him, as it sinks in that this man did not merely make mistakes, as all flawed politicians do, but committed war crimes, with pre-meditation and elaborate subterfuge, he slowly realizes what's happening to him. He can feel it. And so he resists the way he always resists - by lashing out, attacking, smearing, snearing, and grabbing every inch of the limelight he can.
Those of us who want him to face real accountability should, of course, welcome all this. Cheney does not seem to understand that he is incriminating himself further with every interview, every time he adjusts his story, every time he moves from torture as a "no-brainer" to a "last resort", every time he assaults yet another person who knows too much about him and what he did.