Here are the talking points that social conservatives are promoting that you should know about (if you don't already):
The ACLJ (Jay Sekulow) is promoting the congressional resolution to make the first week of May "America's Spiritual Heritage Week".
From the resolution HR397:
<<Affirming the rich spiritual and religious history of our Nation’s founding and subsequent history and expressing support for designation of the first week in May as "America’s Spiritual Heritage Week" for the appreciation of and education on America’s history of religious faith.
Whereas religious faith was not only important in official American life during the periods of discovery, exploration, colonization, and growth but has also been acknowledged and incorporated into all 3 branches of the Federal Government from their very beginning;..>>
More if you care to see it at you aware that President Obama was supporting a "Pedophile Protection Act?" It came as a shock to me, but apparantly that is what the opposition is now calling the "Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act."
<<The proposal, also called the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act after a Wyoming homosexual who was killed in a horrific robbery and beating in 1998, creates a special class for homosexuals and others with alternative sexual lifestyles and provides them protections against so-called "hate." >>
"So-called hate"... that's an interesting choice of words, I got to hear Chuck Colson, of prison ministry and Watergate fame. It's a perfect cultural storm out there......
<<.... The first law of military engagement is to mass your forces. The award-winning author David Halberstam, in his great book The Coldest Winter, describes how several army divisions in the Korean War were decimated because they didn’t join their lines together. The Chinese exploited these gaps between units. This mustn’t happen to the Church in this crisis.
Instead, we’ve got to learn how to help one another navigate through the perfect storm. When we do, we are also pleasing the One who prayed, “Father, may they be one with one another.”>> I'm not posting this to torture everyone, but to give those of us (who don't know already) an idea of what we'll be hearing in the coming days from the other side.