Edited on Tue May-12-09 06:45 PM by denem
hard core, but someone who pays attention to politics, trying to make sense of events. There is a word you are searching for, a word not in your vocabulary, a word familiar to democrats, a word that should strike fear into you. That word is 'Rovian'.
While Democrats might prefer the word chess, and not immerse themselves in toxic waste, the ghost of Karl Rove lives on. Did you really think Democratic strategists were not paying attention over the last eight years?
Attack on you opponent's strength. Rush Limbaugh came up early in this Presidency, and the attack goes on, turning the tables. A "trouble asset" to quote Baeack Obama.
When did Obama go 'Rovian': The shiny leader with his gentle jabs, the tip of an iceberg with a formidable skunkworks beneath the surface? Huh? How do you succeed in Chicago politics? More likable, more polished, more inspirational, Obama would have been an ideal polly for the likes of Rove, let alone a tight strategy team that had learned thelessons and improved on them.
Away from the spotlight, opponent after opponent has found the IEDs already placed, the sniper nests set up, in just about every direction they'd like to go. You are a Republican looking at the new administration. The first appointment you saw was Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff, while fluffy talk of bipartisanship filled the air. It's a trap!
In a spectacular show of partisan strength, the house numbers men delivered 177-0 against the Recovery page. Strength! and a bridge too far: A huge Rovian weapon handed to the Obama Administration.
Rush Limbaugh and Congressional unity a liability? You never saw it coming. Welcome to the world of 'Rahmian' politics.