I don't know how many of them there are, but, those that are vocal have every right to speak out. And I have the right to complain about the nonsense for which they speak.
First off one can't discuss "Pro-Life" vs "Pro-Choice." This is where the uneducated part of the argument comes in. And it continues to inflame our shrinking intellectual abilities.
Definition (from
LIFE- the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
CHOICE- an act or instance of choosing; selection: Her choice of a computer was made after months of research. His parents were not happy with his choice of friends.
ANTONYM- a word opposite in meaning to another. Fast is an antonym of slow.
Antonyms (from
http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus__/thesaurus.html )
LIFE - Death
CHOICE - Choice choice is an adjective, the is no opposite other than "NO Choice"
If the debate is with people who support Free Choice, then their opponents must be those who want "No Choice"
If the debate is between people who are Pro-Life, then their opponents must be those who are "Pro-Death."
That is not the case in either instance.
The argument at Norte Dame is about those who are open to free inquiry and education and those opposed to free inquiry and education.
The opponents to President Obama's visit are those narrow minded few who don't like his "personal" pro-choice support but are more than willing to accept federal grants and services that flow out of Washington to Notre Dame's bank account; don't want to have abortions while also opposing childhood services; are pro-life in only the abortion instance while supporting war and the death penalty, etc.
It is all ludicrous. Opposed to abortion? Don't have one? Catholics having an abortion? Excommunicate them. Catholic hospitals don't want to perform abortions? Stop accepting any government funding. Notre Dame opposes federal "free-choice" statues? Reject any and all federal assistance and grants, including the myriad of federal student loans/grants.If you oppose something then oppose it fully and completely. Start with the people in your church and practice what you preach - excommunicate them. That will get the word out.
I on the other hand agree with James Zogby:
"I am a Catholic, pro-life Democrat who supports this President, despite some differences with him on the matter of abortion. Some in my church need to get their priorities straight. Why is just abortion an evil? And not war, torture, poverty, and racism? Life doesn't end at birth, and it should be celebrated, protected, and nourished at every stage. On balance, I believe that President Obama will help restore a "culture of life", and that is why Notre Dame should be proud to have the honor of honoring him."http://prodemswny.blogspot.com/