Weekend Edition Sunday, May 17, 2009 · The political classes are getting itchy this weekend in anticipation of a Supreme Court nomination from President Obama this week or next. White House officials are gleefully telling reporters the president's list includes people not generally mentioned in the press, so what are some of the names that have gotten little or no attention?
Ok, without a full-scale vet, let's make our list, in alphabetical order — with the understanding that there are yet more names we haven't included:
First, Christine Arguello: Mexican-American; a Harvard law grad, the daughter of a railroad worker. She was the first in her family to go to college. A lawyer, professor and Colorado's chief deputy attorney general, she was nominated by President Clinton to a federal appeals court, but too late to win confirmation. Last year, promoted by Democratic Sen. Ken Salazar, she was appointed a federal trial judge by President Bush.
Reuben Castillo: Also Mexican-American; a federal trial judge with 15 years of experience. Fun fact: Obama argued before him as a young lawyer.
Nora Demleitner: Dean of Hofstra Law School and a sentencing expert. A former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, she testified as a Democrat in support of his nomination.