So much impatience. Obama has a 4 year term and everyone wants their own pet issue handled immediately. Here are Obama's top 5 priorities as stated days before the election.
1) Stabalize the economy
2) Enerygy
3) Healthcare
4) Middle class tax cut
5) Education
With the exception of the economy (due to the meltdown) he has been consistent on his major goals for a very long time. Obama will be lucky if he can get through these issues in his first 2 years without being distracted by other issues (wtf pirates!). With the exception of #4 these are huge issues that effect everyone.
DADT, FOCA, EFCA and others are all important pieces of legislation for various groups and I would expect Obama to tackle them later in his term when they rise to the top of his priority list, but people shouldn't be whining that he isn't spending capital on lower priorities before he tackles his top priorities. He was more than open about what his top priorities were before the election.