They have not accepted the fact that they lost the last election.
Does not a previous administration help the new one get up and running for the sake of the country.
Someone help me here if I remember this incorrectly. When Clinton went out, their people briefed and memoed the Bushites about Al Qaeda and possible terrorist attacks. There were memos from intelligence people that an attack was being planned, and the Bush/Cheney people chose to ignore it.
(Realistically the only reason we know about them, is that after the attacks the Bush/Cheney people tried to blame the Clinton people and viola.. out came the information.)
If the Bush/Chenities had any information, would it not be the patriotic thing to do, to go to DC and talk to the current administration on the QT instead of trying to polish your own mistakes away in a continual campaign mode.
They are in a continual CYA