All Obama needs is 51 votes in the Senate to get this wonderful woman confirmed.
Look it up... advise and consent, coupled with Supreme Court nominee.
51 votes.........he's got that, might even have Spector and the two Republican Senators from Maine, and maybe one or two other women Senators who are from the thug party.
Let it go....this is cash in the bank....Obama knows no Republican can block this.
He chose a wonderful woman, a true scholar, a moderate, someone with written opinions a few super intellectuals don't like, but not a super liberal, nor a stupid person like Bush 1 and Bush 2 appointed most of the time for SC nominees.
This battle is OVER! She gets in with 51 Dem votes and a few Republicans will support her, too.
Scalia, Thomas, and a few others up there nominated by Bush 1 and Bush 2, you are about to be shown that you are inferior justices, and should opt for retirement asap.