Heard on Olberman his comment about Rove knowing lots of stupid people from ivy league schools
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Thu May-28-09 12:06 AM
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Heard on Olberman his comment about Rove knowing lots of stupid people from ivy league schools |
And immediately after saying that Olberman very quickly said Ann Coulter.
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Thu May-28-09 12:12 AM
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1. Yep. Also in the intro when he showed the clip of Rover saying that he immediately showed a shot of |
Shrub! That's sure where my brain went.
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Thu May-28-09 12:27 AM
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2. George W. Bush...The Ivy Leaguer who thought Iraq had WMD? nt |
Edited on Thu May-28-09 12:28 AM by AlexanderProgressive
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Thu May-28-09 01:10 AM
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3. Winner of the "Political Straight Line Of The Year" award! |
Previous company included?
:rofl: rocktivty
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:18 PM
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