Just in case you're wondering, "Just how stupid ARE conservatives," I think we're going to find out this summer.
Rather than just recognize that they're in the minority and allow a liberal justice be placed on the court, they're going to ramp up the smear machine against Judge Sotomayor. In addition to bringing a sterling reputation and excellent qualifications, Sotomayor just happens to be a member of TWO demographics that the Republicans need if they're going to prevent themselves from going the way of the Whigs.
The more they attempt to lambaste her (She's not smart enough) and paint here as unqualified for the court (she's empathetic), the more they're going to alienate hispanic and women voters. And just in case you're keeping score at home, this will be the first time in history that a jurist's relative degree of empathy will be the deciding factor in a Senate confirmation vote.
The snark has already begun from the places where you expect it most (Rush and Beck) and of course they're trying to pass it off as entertainment and political humor.
Note To Conservatives: Please cease and desist all attempts at humor. You're no good at it.
Liberal Humor: Jon Stewart Conservative Humor: Dennis Miller
Seriously. Stick to homophobia and racism. It's your strong suit.
So for the next several weeks, right-wing nutjobs who were NEVER IN TROUBLE WITH THEIR BASE will issue non-stop racist and sexist statements in order to curry favor with their base. All the while reminding normal people why they HATE the Republican Party.
Obama served them up the bait, and they're going for it.