Sonia Sotomayor's mother tells News: I overcame odds to raise U.S. Supreme Court pick
BY Lisa Lucas In Margate, Fla. and David Saltonstall In New York
Sonia Sotomayor's mother - who singlehandedly raised her two housing project kids to become a doctor and a judge - basked in an afterglow of pride a day after her daughter's historic nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.
"I am so proud of her," Celina Sotomayor, 82, told the Daily News on Wednesday outside her Margate, Fla., home, a simple duplex apartment as modest as the woman who raised Sonia to become a success story against all odds.
"I am feeling great, but very tired," added the former nurse, standing in a driving rain a day after she had stood in the White House, watching her daughter become the first Hispanic nominee to the high court.
"I guess the best word is overwhelmed."
Yes, overwhelmed, and proud. But pride and a belief the strength of family has long been a two-way street in this mother-daughter relationship.
Proof of that can be found in a commencement speech Sonia Sotomayor gave at Lehman College in the Bronx in 1999, long before her name was attached to the highest court in the land.
It speaks volumes about how - and from whom - Sotomayor learned to look beyond the walls of the Bronxdale Houses, from which she rose to the towering citadels of the Ivy League and, finally, to a nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States.
"I decided to tell you a story - the story of my mother's life," the younger Sotomayor began that day. "It is ... a story of what hope, hard work, education and dedication to make a better life can achieve."