Me thinks ye are confused:
where Dean praises George W. Bush in December of 2000 Oopsie! Nope that was Clark. See Dean said he believed that "in his heart Bush is a moderate". See? That's not praise. No, it is an assessment of Jr. on the heels of a long campaign where Jrposed as a moderate and every corporate news whore promoted the notion. On the other hand,
Clark said:
05.11.01 -- "I'm very glad we've got the great team in office, men like Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice... people I know very well - our president George W. Bush. We need them there." -- Wesley Clarkand after that he went on to say:
01.07.02 -- "President George Bush had the courage and the vision... and we will always be grateful to President George Bush for that tremendous leadership and statesmanship." See? Now
that's praise!!
and says that he will probably be a 2 term president...BZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!! Wrong again! He said folks are saying Bush'll be a one termer like his father. Dean disagreed with that very confident assumption. As you can see Team Bush has done a remarkable job of keeping the public un/misinformed and he is enjoying high poll numbers. I certainly hope no one here disagrees with the theory that Bush will be tough to beat. Seems Dean was right not to dismiss Jr.'s tight grip on his usurped throne.
Also when he talks about Iowa caucuses being useless and the extreme fringes......that caters to special interest groups...
Oopsie! I believe Dean actually said those caucuses were dominated by special interests and that it was an awful system. Fortunately they have changed the caucus system so that folks don't have to be there for so many hours anymore. It used to be an all day thing, like 8 hours long. I can't imagine a more effective method of discouraging participation, can you? I wonder if many Iowans agreed with Dean, which would make sense, considering the changes they've implemented since Dean made that remark. I'll betcha!
I don't think that this will play positive, IMO...I admire your optimism! I do hate to see such false hopes though. They are always dashed so brutally....*sigh*
Personally I found the tapes pretty devastating.... let's see how this plays in Iowa....before you all dismiss it, OK?heh heh Do you think they were nearly as "devastating" as the tape of Clark praising Bush (that'
actual praise now, not your above version of it ;-) )? And by all means, let's see how this plays in Iowa. I am sure they weren't looking through the same lens as you were and are unlikely to see what is not there.
By the way Frenchie, how are you coming along with those facts you mentioned way back when? Here's a refresher for you:
Dean has a great chance at the nomination....
lousy chance of winning....
this theory is not made up, but based on facts...