Patch Adams campaigns for the candidate, excited by his plan for free health care for all Americans.
Iowa City, Ia. - Patch Adams said he's stumping for love.
linkThe quirky and colorful doctor made famous by the 1999 movie starring Robin Williams came to Iowa City on Wednesday to promote presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich's plan for universal health care and withdrawal from Iraq.
"I have never stumped for a candidate. I always voted for the least dangerous," Adams said. "Dennis Kucinich is putting together a platform that if I were running, I would put forward."
Susan Parenti, an educator and artist campaigning with Adams, said Democrats need to stop saying they like Kucinich, but don't think he can defeat President Bush. Voters can send a message by voting for Kucinich, she said, even if he doesn't win.
If Hamburg eaters are voters, Kucinich may do well Jan. 19. The restaurant's coffee caucus, which asks diners to put a coffee bean in the jar of their favorite candidate, shows Kucinich with 30 beans, compared with six for Dean and none for Bush.