Edited on Thu Aug-13-09 12:35 AM by TomCADem
I can only imagine how bad Ben's family's situation would have been if they had bad insurance, as opposed to what they describe as "good insurance."
Ben began chemotherapy treatments on June 8, and he just completed his third round at the end of July. He is scheduled to begin his next round in the next one to two weeks. This time, chemotherapy will be combined with simultaneous radiation treatments. Initially, his doctor expected him to go through six to 12 months of treatment, but hopefully, it will be closer to the six month mark, Jim said. While a recent MRI showed the cancer was responding positively to treatment, a full-body scan this week will determine exactly how much longer therapy will last.
While the therapy may be beating the cancer, it hasn't been easy on Ben. "Dr. Bergamini told us that it's like swimming through sewage to escape a forest fire," Jim said. "The sewage will make you sick, but if you don't swim through it, the fire will kill you."
Since beginning chemotherapy, Ben has experienced nausea, fever and mouth sores. Some cycles of the chemo have left him unable to eat for days; some cycles have had few side effects. Ben has usually spent a couple days of each cycle receiving inpatient treatments before moving home for the remainder of the five days, Jim said. However, when he begins the double whammy of chemotherapy and radiation later this month, he will most likely have to spend more time in the hospital.
To help the Wallis family offset the costs of out-of-pocket insurance and medical treatments not covered by insurance, as well as travel expenses to and from St. John's Hospital, their friends at Sacred Heart have set up a fundraiser benefiting the family.
While Jim says his family is lucky to have good insurance coverage and is in no way destitute, this fundraiser will help defray realized costs that the family has incurred and will incur in upcoming months.
"I feel good having all these benevolent people unify to meet my cause," he said. "I am really appreciative of what they are doing, and have greatly benefited from their help.
"I wish them the best of wishes."
If you would like more information about donating items for the bake sale or garage sale, or setting up a home-based business booth, contact Peggy Leicht at fundraiserforben@yahoo.com.