The following is just my opinion, which, I have been told, is quite useless. I may or may not support any democratic nominee, other than Lieberman or Sharpton.
Unless you support someone other than Clark or Dean, you're done. I really like Dennis K. I still may vote him. I may for Gephardt, though he bores me and his rhetoric versus his actions has become tiresome (and because his delivery the spitting image of my brother-in-law). Kerry: his supporters HAVE GOT TO BE DISAPPOINTED (I hope these caps don't get this post locked, but they are oh-so necessary). Edwards: 2008 running mate; in the meantime, team up with someone on the international stage. Lieberman: Yeah, right. Sharpton: our version of Alan Keyes--you speak to the base but your history belies something ugly; Mosley Braun--and why aren't I on the ticket?
Dean and Clark are about to have it out. Clark is in for the long haul. After everything else I've given to you people here (just check the posts), trust me on this one (and I'm VERY close friends with a campaign operative who would NEVER lie to me). His constant reinforcement of an overt positive, hopeful message ought to clue everyone in on this fact. He is the TURTLE in this LONG primary (and has been advised to do it this way). Just read the Clinton '92 script. But add a little kick ass to the message. He's got the hammer ready.
Dean is bad (meaning good, for all you crackers out there). Enough said. He not only has the hammer, he swings it wildly. Don't believe the hype about his not being electable: he has SO MANY gosh darned subttexts already lain, it's quite amazing. And it's not Trippi doing it; it's Dean. He's really quite good.
This is the dichotomy of our primary (AND WE WILL ALL SUPPORT THE NOMINEE): Clark is THE man on paper. He also can fight rhetorically. If I were a campaign manager, this is my man. I'd make W. toss my salad (with Raspberry jam). He offers us the safe bet.
Dean swings wildly. He has obviously caught on with those involved. He has THE narrative (and for those of you who pay ANY attention to my posts know how important this is to me): outsider, maverick, anti-Washington (I don't really care about debating the veracity of this narrative).
One of these two WILL BE the nominee. My bottomline advice if you want to win: FORGET their positions (because they will morph and evolve); just choose the narrative you think is the most compelling and think will beat chimpy the ass-clown the easiest.
I hope the necessary editions have made the moderator pleased.