Well, she might as well be. Ms. Lynn Vincent (
http://lynnvincent.com) only has to translate Palin, because she knows where she's at. Ms. Vincent's own articles include:
Abortion is Genocide;
Mainstreaming of Homosexuality is Liberating those Seeking to Escape it;
Intelligent Design revolutionaries are fighting Darwinists on their own terms;
Terri Schiavo's life may hinge on how seriously she took her religion;and
Killing terrorists & calling 911; That’s just the beginning of the list of good things happening in Iraq.
http://www.worldmag.com/search.cfm?start=25&q=lynn%20vincent I can hear Sarah saying the last one. But Vincent can write. She and her friend of twenty five years put this together:
Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party
by Lynn Vincent and Robert Stacy McCain.
http://www.amazon.com/Donkey-Cons-Crime-Corruption-Democratic/dp/1595550240/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1256819555&sr=8-2Robert McCain says "Being Notorious is not the same as being famous but it's better than being annymous",
http://rsmccain.blogspot.com, 'The Other McCain'.
This McCain is notorious for sympathizing with the "altogether natural revulsion" "perfectly rational people" feel seeing images of "interracial images", and "and THIS IS NOT RACISM, no matter what Madison Avenue, Hollywood and Washington tell us" and his longstanding white supremacist roots
In public, he says things like slaves and whites in the Old South had "cordial and affectionate relations," is a member of the League of the South, which wants to secede from the Union (again!), and writes for a web site called VDare, which proudly publishes the work of "rational and civil...white nationalists" who "unashamedly work for their people."http://gawker.com/5371146/sarah-palins-ghostwriter-pals-around-with-racists-and-wackos.
McCain has replied "I know lots of interracial couples"
http://washingtonindependent.com/61581/robert-stacy-mccain-responds-to-gawker-defends-palin-collaborator-lynn-vincent.Gawker.com says "Sarah Palin's book will be awesome because her ghostwriter has abundant experience in shaping the confused, fevered thoughts of religious fanatics into sentences."
I would add, including Ms. Vincent's own.