I got this hilarious bulk e-mail from Rep. Chris Van Hollen of the DCCC a few minutes ago...
Derby --
I wanted to share some exciting news with you. Today, Democrats under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have officially introduced our new bill in the House of Representatives. This bill will reform our broken health insurance system and includes a strong public option.
The so-called "public option" in the House version is not available to anyone whose employer offers an insurance plan, which means that this government option has been set up to fail. In the meantime, if I drop my private insurance coverage, I face hefty financial penalties unless I sign right back up with them again. Gee, thanks. I'll read on...
This historic action is taking place for one simple reason: Democrats like you stood up and spoke out.
You are the ones who made your voices heard in support of a strong public option to keep insurance companies honest, provide greater choice, and ensure quality, affordable health care for the middle class.
Wrong again, boy-o. This bill is taking place because you gave in to Big Insurance and its hired mercenaries at all those townhall meetings in August. You know, the ones holding signs saying KEEP GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY MEDICARE and questioning Obama's ancestry. But I'll continue...
Now that we've taken this historic step, the media, pundits, and defenders of the status quo are wondering, "How will you respond?" Help us raise $50,000 by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT...
Okay, now I see where this is going. You want a monetary reward for failing to deliver on what the American people demanded. Just like Wall Street wants to pay out even heftier bonuses at taxpayer expense simply for not letting the country slip into another Great Depression - but hey, aren't we pretty much there already?
Thanks for nothing, pal. Big Insurance is having a really big party right now because the House failed to deliver.
Do I sound bitter? Maybe I am, but I think I've earned the right.