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Otto rejects demand from NAACP to pull rap, apologize

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ccharles000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-02-09 12:20 PM
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Otto rejects demand from NAACP to pull rap, apologize
TOPEKA — The NAACP's Kansas chapter demanded Thursday that a state legislator remove his "RedNeck Rap" from the Internet and publicly apologize for the video criticizing President Obama.

"That will not happen," replied Republican state Rep. Bill Otto.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People labeled the video that Otto posted last month on YouTube as "tasteless" and "racist."

In what he titled "RedNeck Rap," Otto criticizes the nation's first black president while wearing a cap that calls opossum "the other dark meat." At the end, Otto repeats the slogan and says, "A little greasy, but hey."

"It's unacceptable, and we can't sit idle as though everything's all right," said the Rev. Ben Scott, president of Topeka's NAACP branch.

Otto revised the video after a fellow legislator criticized it, adding an introduction in which he says the cap refers to his own "hillbilly" heritage, not Obama. He said Thursday that he was trying to offer "good-natured" criticism of the administration.

Last week, Otto posted a sequel, praising Obama for trying to help older Americans, but without apologizing for the first video. In the sequel, Otto says he shares Martin Luther King Jr.' s dream of a colorblind society and that not everyone who criticizes Obama is a racist.
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provis99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-02-09 12:22 PM
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1. he claims to be a "hillbilly" in Kansas?
Kansas has no hills. Not only is he a flaming racist, he's as stupid as donkey shit.
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rurallib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-02-09 12:41 PM
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2. As usual the comments section below the article is enlightening
and as usual this is the section where the nut cases get near free rein to peddle their crap.

When an apology comes it no doubt will start with 'If ...." as in "If anybody was offended ......"
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