Edited on Tue Nov-03-09 01:49 PM by flpoljunkie
"Deficits don't matter." The stimulus was absolutely necessary to save our economy--which would be doing much better if it had been more 'robust.' The Conservadems and their fellow Republican ilk watered it down, of course.
There was no private sector to stimulate the economy so the government had to step in. We can worry about the deficit and debt when our economy turns around and we begin to grow our way out of it.
And, the 'small government' mantra. The recently passed Defense bill amounted to $680 billion for one year! You can't get much 'bigger' government spending than this! Not one peep of complaint from either party. Yet the Republicans whine about spending $100 billion a year to provide health care for everyone.
People do not understand this, and the Republicans are more than happy to exploit this to gain an electoral edge.
The Democrats need to do something now to show they understand people's pain--and make sure our economy does not implode again. The Brits, according to today's New York Times, are breaking up their 'too big to fail' banks. We need to do likewise.