> This > Sunday Fox news, is going to air a very important > documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9 P M > Eastern. > > The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, > showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist > professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will > also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for +20 > years i.e. how he was participating with this man, and not > for the reasons he states! > > The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past > and we will see things that no one in the media is > willing to put out there. It will be a segment > to remember. > Mark > your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: > Sunday night, 8 P M . CT ; 9 P M ET. > Democrat or Republican, this report will open your > eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to > Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the > direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone > you know... > *******************************************************
Here is my reply::
We all know that FOX News has been anti Obama from day one. Like I have said many times before he was not my first choice, but he was far superior to anyone the opposition offered. When I receive E-mails such as this they bring one burning question to mind. I would really like to know a list of the negative things that have happened to you, your family or anyone you know because Obama is in the White House. Please let me know what terrible problems you have suffered so that I can see the situation from your perspective. I have thought long and hard and I can't think of one damn thing that has happened to me in a negative nature since the election of 2008. I suspect that paranoia has generated unrealistic fears in your mind because of the smear tactics of FOX News and idiots like Rush Limbaugh. Wait til you actually have something bad happen to you because of who the President is and I will be the first one to come and stand by your side and fight for you. Take a long look at the last eight years and be sure to remember who was in the White House as well as the majority in Congress. They are the ones that put this Country in the shape it is in today. I don't think Obama could do this poorly even if he was really trying to wreck this Country. Obama has gotten a lot accomplished in his first year as President and if it were not for the opposition fighting every effort he makes he would have already gotten a lot more done. The opposition is fighting for the upper crust and that damn sure aint you and me. Send me that evidently long list of the BAD things that you have suffered and maybe I'll cross the aisle. Remember the story of the little boy who cried "wolf" so often that when the wolf really did come, no one believed his cries for help and the wolf ate him. Cry when you are hurt, not when you think you may be. >