Dick Armey.
That's right. Dick Armey: ex-ultra-Right Majority Leader, and a key player in "FreedomWorks", the AstroTurf organization that pushed the town hall hooligans all summer and fall. When you read the following quote, bear in mind that this guy just launched a new website called DontKillGrandma.com.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/08/magazine/08Armey-t.html?pagewanted=3&_r=1">from the New York Times:
Armey prides himself on his intellect and rationality, but his years in Washington have taught him the political uses of irrationality and even outright fantasy. He told me he does not believe some of the most extreme charges that emerged in the debate over health care reform - for example, that "death panels" will tell elderly people when it's time to die - but he welcomes the energy and passion that such beliefs bring to his side. ... "Are their fears exaggerated? Yeah, probably. ... I may think it's silly, but if people want to believe that," he said, referring to death panels, "it's O.K. with me."
What kind of a man would frighten elderly people over nothing, for personal gain? He
knows that he's pushing lies. And he knows that it's a bad idea to admit it. But he's too proud of his intellect, and can't stop himself from taking distance from those who are stupid enough to believe his lies.
So, Mr. Armey, how exactly does "their fears are exaggerated" square with "Dont Kill Grandma"? _________________________________________________________________
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