Now I'm not someone who likes to spout out my personal information too much. Aside from my studies, and that I'm Haitian-American who's from New York (most of which can be found in my profile)---I keep my full personal stats on the dl. It's the net and such rut so I'm not into displaying so much.
However since Obama has become President, I have realized that I am politicized. To be honest, I've always been aware of it, but I think when I started following his candidacy and of course Madame Clinton (^_^); it became more prevalent to me. More apparent. I always said the 2008 election was a crash in the Civil Rights movement of the late 60s and early 70s. Dealing of racism, sexism, ageism, and even religion-ism (is that even a word) you kind of feel as though you're thrust into something you've only read about. The high emotions, the high tensions, people going out door to door, people getting killed, harassed, and attacked because they're fighting for something more. I mean, I was born in 1980. I always felt connected to that because of my Haitian background and while being raised in America because I'm a Black Female. The connection is there.
This is, of course, not to say that White Females or White Males don't feel this connection. Far from it....I'm saying that I feel this urgency and anxiety to fight nd become more aware of what's around me. The election defined me not as an individual but as part of the political process and a monopoly piece or accessory to the process. Not so much the candidates, but the media. I wasn't the aspired vote....I'm a Black female which means I vote by color and automatically being Black I was with Obama and lumped as the Black vote. Not part of the women's vote Obama so needed, or the White Women or White male votes he would win or lose.
That was the first step of politicization. Or realization of what I am really in this nation for the media and probably for some candidates or politicians. I'm either a demographic statistic, a number on a page, or a story they hear about---show a bit of pity and say, "I won't be swayed." This goes in to the topic if health care reform.
Now here comes a bit more information about me. I'm female and 29 who lives in NYC and happens to have been a student studying Economics, Anthropology, and French as second degree/masters. I am not wealthy by any means I have worked throughout most of my studies in school. I live with my mum and sister---we can't leave mum after my Dad died in 2005. My sister takes turns of sorts with traveling and the like. I don't have health insurance. Most of the time my job won't cover me since I worked part time because of school. Or when I did have a job that offered me full coverage, I lost it because of downsizing. I couldn't pay cobra, and New York has healthy New York program to promote affordable health care----that's if you consider $350 (at least) once a month affordable and you don't get dental or anything like that. I lost insurance or regular insurance when I was 21, cause I wasn't covered on my Dad's plan or my mum's plan. They changed the law to 23 when I became 24. Go figure. I don't have much luck.
I came to find out, about 3 years ago---although it was suspected that I have a condition. It's genetic. It's called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)---some info on it here: I don't know if any women here have it...but it mainly affects women of Eastern European lineage. I am Haitian but of mixed racial lineage---a few Germans, French, and English helped along my eventual creation. ^_^ Anyway after an expensive blood test at a specialist I found out.
I'll give the story about how this happened, because it bears repeating. The symptoms of PCOS are high levels of male testosterone. Most women tend to be barren, we have high risk of ovarian cancer (very high---and recently a family member died of it), prone to diabetes---I'm borderline (my mum has it--my ENTIRE (no joke) family male and female on my mum's side has it. My mum's sister died from it at 26.) and I'm borderline and so I take Metformin and diabetic medication. <---It's a bitch, I hate Metformin, plus there's obesity (yeah I have it), not to mention facial hair and just an excess of hair--yeah I got it too. Ugh. This is extremely embarrassing to divulge.
In any event, I was telling one of my friends a few years back about my condition and some of my systems. ie Facial hair and the fact that I don't get my period. Yeah...I can go YEARS without getting my period and I have. If I don't get meds, ie the pill I don't get my period. I told her this and she was might have PCOS and you need to see an endocrinologist. At the time I had no insurance or money, I told my sister who did have money to go and get the tests taken care of. I found out it was hereditary because my friend found out when her sister was tested. So I told my sister to get tested because she was still my dad's plan and can be covered. She did and found out she had a bad case. I was like if my sister has a bad case, mine is worse. When I was covered for 4 with health insurance I was tested and my doctor did say I have a very bad case. Obese, facial hair, no period, and borderline diabetic. He even wanted to see our mum because our mum has a very bad case of facial hair as well and we have 4 aunts with the same problem and a few cousins.
Anyway I'm put on spironolactone, metformin, Yasmine, and I take a prenatal for much needed vitamins <---Yeah I got to take the one for pregnancy, even though I'm not pregnant. Anyway, I pay for that out of pocket. To see the specialist it's $250, each time we take blood tests, $350, meds on average per month $160. <---- I can't pay that. Yes I work, but I work in work study or as a teacher's aid and also a docent in NYC. Yeah, 3 jobs, along with over the top amount of classes and then I'm watching out for my mum and sister on top of it. I was able to get medicaid, and I still paid doctors appointment and tests out of pocket---because I would the doctor once every 3-4 months. However, when I started working I made $106 dollars over the minimum on medicaid and when I told them it was seasonal and because of my school. I was then denied. So I went back to paying this out of pocket.
I worked 3 jobs and for 2 years so I can save enough to make it to France so I can continue my studies. No help from my parents or anything. I saved up and ensured I'd have a place as an au pair so I don't have to pay rent here and barely for food.
My sister on the other hand, back in the states has no insurance. She's working part time in her dream job and unfortunately because of the economy they couldn't offer her full time or any sort of coverage on their plan. So she's not getting it.
When I read some of the benefits of this bill I called my sister up and told her she might be able to stay at the job and not leave it because she'd fit on the PO. I would fit for the PO and we'd get our medication without having to take one pill every other day. Yes...I do ration my medication because I can't afford it. Yes, I don't know how my ovaries are because I can't afford the tests. I have to get this taken care of and I can't. My sister even found a cyst in her ovaries early on---luckily. I have a cousin now dealing with breast cancer and I haven't gotten tested for anything in 4-5 years. When I say tests, cat-scans and MRIs. I haven't done any of those, I had my last blood test 2 years ago.
So to me this bill is personal. To me this bill is important for my own survival and for my sister. When I read people on this board hoping that the bill would fail. Or saying that I obviously don't care about women's rights because I'm willing to suck up the Stupak----> Let's just say I take it a bit personal. I'm not one to disclose myself so freely onto the board, but I want to make clear that some of us are dealing with some serious shit and yeah it's urgent for us. Next to health care repealing DADT/DOMA is an important issue, for various personal issues which I won't go into here.
To me, I'm politicized in many ways. I would love a panacea to health care. If I was a British citizen, I would be in paradise right now because I'd go there to get myself taken care of...shit I'm in France, I might as well. ^_^ When I come back home I want to have coverage. Under this bill I would have that coverage.
Read here: I happy this bill passed?! Hell yes. Am I upset about Stupak---sure but not so much since laws have been in place already so that federal money doesn't go to paying for abortion. Not to mention this is the first round and we still have to see what happens after conference. I'm going to let my Congressmen/women know where I stand. I was upset at Kucinich and some of the people here because fuckin' hell. That's like voting against me. You don't like it, I respect that...but at least 85% of the bill is not bad and does a lot of good for people I'm one of them. I donate when I can to my politicians and to this board. When the actions from people like Kucinich and the other 38 Dems and DUers...I get upset.
I'm not to trying to give a sob story here, but to let some of the people here know, who they're talking too and what's going on with them. I agree staying true to one's ideals because I have a few of my own. However I do support compromise and the pros are more than the cons so far. I know this bill doesn't say it all, and it could get better or worse. But so far I see this as a good step forward and I support it. Because not supporting it, is just betting against myself.